University of Zagreb
Centre for Mediterranean Studies
Don Frana Bulića 4
20000 Dubrovnik

28th March 2012

8 pm, the Dubrovnik Cathedral / Držićeva poljana


Octopus Pragensis, Pavel Černy, organ (Czech Republic)



Organ at the Court of Rudolf II


Jacobus Handl Gallus (1550 - 1591)

Heroes, pugnate viri fortissimi

Amavit eum Dominus

Exurge gloria mea

Laus et perennis gloria


Hans Leo Hassler (1564 - 1612)

Toccata e fuga noni toni

Canzon in g



Carl Luython (1557/8 - 1620)            

Fantasia in C


Fantasia in F


Jakob Hassler (1569 – 1622)

Toccata IV. toni

Ricercar II. toni


Carl Luython (1557/8 – 1620)    

Fantasia in F



Organist, organologist and pedagogue Pavel Černý studied organ at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague under Joroslav Tůma, and further studied under a number of eminent European organists and teachers. As a student, he was already caught by the public eye by winning in the Organists National Competition in Opava (1990), and especially by winning international competitions in Ljubljana (1993) and the Prague Spring Competition (1994). From 1991, he has performed in concerts all around Europe, as well as in the USA, Japan, Brazil, Africa and Cuba. Although he specializes in historic instruments, he is well acquainted with varied styles and periods. He teaches organ and improvisation at the Prague Academy of Music and the Janáček Academy in Brno. He is a jury member in a number of organist competitions, and a winner of important awards and acknowledgements. He has received critical acclaim for his discography recorded in his own country and abroad, and has also been recording for radio and television as well. He is the author of radio-broadcasts about organs and a counselor in festivals of organ music. As an organologist, he works in commissions in charge of building, repairing and conserving organs, publishes academic articles and promotes historic instruments in the Czech Republic.